Go for her butt, get your butt kicked.
There was once a time in American history when grabbing random women’s butts was seen as nothing more than fun, flirty behavior — by the men who did it, I mean. In reality, it was a pretty rude and invasive thing to do, and in the same way that your boss can’t just give you a purple-nurple whenever he feels like it, our society has evolved to the point where we rightfully regard random gropes as “wrong.”
Well, except this guy. He appears to not have evolved at all, approaching a random woman at a pool table and grabbing her ass — a move that prompts the man there with her to clock him straight in the face. Apparently he ended up with a helluva black eye from the incident as well!
Touching someone else’s woman
byu/HorsePecker infuckaroundandfindout